Sunday, December 19, 2010

When will we be done with this Holiday???!! Just kidding.........

So I'm not the real Christmasy Christmas person. Look, I worked retail management for over twenty years and you learn to hate the whole time. People get bitchy, there's no time to celebrate and enjoy the time you do have and you slowly learn to despise the WHOLE ENTIRE SEASON!

Fast forward to now. No more retail! Christmas should be a breeze, right? I did all of my shopping a while ago because I made an agreement many moons ago not to ever set foot in a mall (or other shopping type establishment) from November 20 till January 1st. I just don't enjoy it. I hate crowds, I suffer from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and anxiety and I gotta tell you, I totally lose it while standing in lines of any kind. So why do I find myself doing things like standing in line at the Post Office? (On December 16th)?????????? Why do I see myself scrambling for presents for some people?

Well, it's not for me. Not for MY shipping. Nope, this is for my husband and my mother in law who obviously didn't take advantage of shopping before the season. This should be no big deal right? Well, husband hurts knee..........MIL has the dawning that: "Oh, my Gawd, Christmas is next week.....what am I going to do?" What she means is: What are YOU going to do? Because who is doing her shopping? Yup, Cinder-freakin-Rella. That's who. Yours truly.

Why are some people able to get their stuff together and be proactive and others are sliding under the rolling doors at Mall Department stores on December 24th at closing time? (Oh, yea, it happened to me in 1985, working at Hudson's Department Store in comes a guy sliding on his knees to get under THE CLOSING DOOR to buy whatever was in front of him for his wife. I'm sure she felt really special......and I hope she enjoyed whatever perfume he bought.)

Forethought. Some have it and most don't. Get some..........and try to shop year 'round. You might get some thoughtful and less expensive gifts. At the very least you will feel better come this time of year!

Thursday, August 19, 2010

McKenna Started School This Week!

Oh, it's the start of school and boy are we tired out already! We have the mornings down to about a 40 minute deal already. I make her lunch at night and then just pop it in her lunch sack in the morning. Pills with water and then snuggle time for about 10 to 15 minutes. My child requires a LOT of snuggle time :)

We snuggle-she sleeps- and then we rush to get her clothes changed, her hair styled (which is a breeze thanks to the pixie cut Aunt Amy gave her!), grab glasses and lunch: out the door! We don't get up until about 7 a.m. and we leave about takes anywhere from 20-30 minutes to drive to her school which is about 10 miles down Southern Avenue.

We talk in the car about concerns or just anything that comes up, sometimes she just stares out the window and that's fine. Usually be the third or fourth week I won't be shocked if she drifts back to sleep during the ride. My lovely daughter historically does NOT do well in the morning. It's a BP thing, usually...but she's been getting to bed pretty early and I hope this alertness continues.

We have to find a student violin to rent/buy this weekend. Mandatory for Monday! All fourth graders at her school take it. She met her music teacher and likes her and that's half the battle. She also met her Games teacher and thinks she rocks! At her school kids keep the same teacher from first to eighth's a pretty cool thing because the students and teacher really bond and know each other better each year. I guess it could be bad if you didn't mesh with the instructor but Mr. Tanner is very much a Renaissance man. Very much of a former time! We like him very much.....he seems very much like I imagine Thoreau was.

The school expanded with a high school this year. They are up to tenth grade now and will continue to add a grade each year as the student's advance....until they have all 12. I like the campus addition and the way they have changed the parking lot and drop off/pick up procession. It can be very frustrating to sit waiting for your child in a line you can't get out of! But they have made it a bit easier this year and for that I am extremely grateful.

I see a much more mature young woman whom I watch go off each morning. She is getting to be more sure of herself each day. I credit a strong bunch of family as well as her therapy and her online community on New Moon. I am encouraged that this year will be a great year for her. PLEASE dear Gods hear my prayers!